Phone #:

Launch Info

Launch Calendar

Upcoming Launch Dates for 2025:

March 15
April 19
May 17
June - No launch this month
July 19
August 16
September 20
October 18
November 15

We generally launch the third Saturday of every month during the flying season, subject to the availability of the launch site.

Consult our launch status banner (on the home page) for details on the next launch date.

Time: 12:00 CST - 17:00 CST


South Greenfield, MO
Waiver -- 6,325 ft AGL
Flights above 3,000 ft AGL must be approved on
the day of the launch, subject to weather conditions.

View South Greenfield, MO in a larger map
Launch Site Lat/long - 37.293333 N, 93.846944 W
Address - 945 W. Highway 39, South Greenfield, MO 65752
Click on marker to get directions.
Watch the weather with:
The National Weather Service or Springfield Radar

All launches conducted by Teeniemünde/Tripoli Mo-Kan Inc. are done with prior permission from the landowners. Any persons found launching rockets on these properties at any other time are trespassing, and will be dealt with as such. Please wait until a scheduled launch date to launch at our location.

All fliers must sign a liability waiver: Download Liability Waiver

Be sure to check our launch status banner on the home page to make sure the launch is still on before you head out to the field on launch day.

If you'd like to print flight cards prior to the launch, you may download one from the link below.
There will also be flight cards available at the launch.
Download flight card

For more information contact: Prefect Marty Cox
All launch dates are subject to change. Please call Marty Cox (816-200-6134) for up-to-date launch information.